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Spanish II

Profesora. Ramírez

School Mission Statement – Our mission is to provide all students with quality instruction while stressing the importance of respecting others, sharing responsibility, and embracing the concept of lifelong learning.


Honor Code – On my honor, as a Pace High School student, I will do my own school work, uphold the ideals and rules of Pace High School, and protect the good name of my school.



Objectives of this class are to provide communicative skills in Spanish as outlined by the Sunshine State Standards for level 2 of a foreign language.  Emphasis will be placed on the five curriculum strands: communication, cultures, connections with other disciplines, comparison and experiences.


At the end of this course

  • Students will develop communicative skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing Spanish.

  • Students will be able to use the language to communicate and acquire new information and knowledge.

  • Students will learn about and experience other cultures.




Required Background

It is recommended to successfully complete this course that the student:

  • Has a “C” average or above in the most recent Spanish class.

  • Is able to focus and participate actively in class.

  • Understands that memorization and practice are key elements in learning a foreign language.

  • Understands that reading enhances vocabulary building and retention of foreign language skills.

  • Is able to stay on task individually and in groups.

Required Materials

To successfully complete this course, you will need:

  • Español Santillana Level 2 Textbook

  • 1” binder with 5 dividers and pockets (These tabs are required for notebook grade: Vocabulario, Gramática, Actividades, Desafíos, y Lecturas)

  • Paper, pen (blue or black), #2 pencils

  • Red pens for correcting workbook and other written assignments

  • Colored pencils, markers, highlighters, white erasers, scissors, glue sticks



Additional  Resources
  • Spanish children’s books

  • Spanish Magazines  


Online Resources

Course Schedule


Spanish II     (1st and 2nd semester)       Español Santillana 2 textbook




General Rules:


  1. Classroom disruptions will be handled in accordance with the policies in the student handbook.

  2. Roll will be checked in accordance with a seating chart.

  3. You are considered tardy if you are not in the classroom, seated in your assigned seat, beginning your bell work when the tardy bell rings.

  4. If you have an excused absence, it is your responsibility to complete make-up work within three days.  Work missed during unexcused absences will earn an automatic zero. Remember to clear your unexcused absences within three days.

  5. If you are present when an assignment is made and absent on the due date, you will be

       expected to turn in the assignment on your first day back to school.

   6. The Agenda Planner must be brought to class each day to be able to go to bathroom or leave the class.

   7.  A neat and well-organized notebook will be kept and graded.

   8. Expect to work bell to bell every day!! Begin bell work as soon as you enter the classroom.

   9. Cell phones must be put away in the backpack throughout the class period.  

   10 Cell Phone usage will not be allowed in class unless otherwise directed by Mrs. 


   11. Make-up work is the responsibility of the student, keeping up with the classroom website is the

         procedure for getting assignments missed in class. (

   12. Students and parents can/will use the Remind app for direct communication with Mrs. Ramirez.

          Text to 81010 plus @phs...

   13.  Students will have parents sign the Agenda Planner Syllabus sign off page for their first grade

           and this will include the Video permission list.  

   14.  A $10.00 donation will be appreciated the first nine weeks for Culture days throughout the year.



Contact Information


  • Margaret Ramirez


  • Parents must initiate the email correspondence to establish communication with the teacher and email form must be completed to respond to emails from parent.

  • @phsclase1

  • @phsclase2

  • @phsclase3

  • @phsclase4

  • @phsclase5

  • @phsclase6

  • @shhphs23




Grading Policies:


Tests, quizzes, notebook, projects-----------------40%

Daily work--------------------------------------------30%

Class participation and oral proficiency --------- 20%

Reading Activities (CPR)--------------------------- 10%


Tests:   Test and quizzes will be given throughout each lesson and at the end of each chapter.  Quizzes may be unannounced.  Make-up chapter or unit tests will be given upon your return to school.


Daily work:  Keep up with your work!  If you are absent, check website at home or in class if you don’t have access to a computer at home. This should be checked before returning to class.


Class participation:  Class participation is very important in Spanish class.  Occasionally, we will work in cooperative learning groups in which you will have a specific job to do.

You are still responsible for your own work even though you have a support system. 

Your agenda planner grade such as syllabus signature and mid-term signatures will count as a participation grade; therefore, parent signatures are necessary for those assignment grades. 


EXTRA CREDIT:  Extra credit can only be earned by accumulating extra credit points throughout the quarter.  Students can earn extra credit by bringing items that are in Spanish or about Spanish related subjects. Students can bring written texts or provide video links that are appropriate for the classroom. Occasionally, review games will also be used to earn extra credit points and some tests or quizzes might have extra credit questions as well.  A maximum of 15 extra credit points can be used each quarter. Only show me extra credit when I call for it please! Extra credit points will not be added to semester exams or to your final quarter grade.






Occasionally we will be viewing movies either in Spanish or movies with Spanish culture content.  Listed below are movies from which we may choose with their indicated ratings.  Your signature in the AGENDA PLANNER gives permission to view these movies.  If you object to any movie, please indicate so.


Children’s movies (in Spanish);                                               Rating

Beauty and the Beast                                                                  G

101 Dalmatians                                                                            G

Shrek I, II, III                                                                               G

Lion King                                                                                      G

Toy Story I, II, III                                                                        G

Monsters Inc.                                                                               G

The Little Mermaid                                                                     G

E.T.                                                                                                 G

Puss in Boots                                                                                G

UP                                                                                                   G

Kung Fu Panda                                                                            G

Beverley Hills Chihuahua I II                                                   G

Over the Hedge                                                                            G

Frozen                                                                                            G

Encanto                                                                                       PG

Other movies:


Man of the Mancha                                                                    PG

The Mask of Zorro                                                                     PG13

Selena                                                                                           PG

La Bamba                                                                                     PG

Don Quixote                                                                                not rated

Spanglish                                                                                     PG13

Gloria Estefan –Music video                                                   not rated

Take My Lead                                                                             PG

The mask of Zorro II                                                                 PG

The Cat in the Hat                                                                     PG

Nacho Libre                                                                                PG

Stand and Deliver                                                                      PG

Goal I,II                                                                                       PG

Under the Same Moon                                                             PG13

Don Juan DeMarco                                                                   PG13

The Book of Life                                                                         PG

McFarland, USA                                                                        PG

Moana                                                                                          PG

From Prada to Nada                                                                 PG13

The Perfect Game                                                                      PG

Ferdinand                                                                                   PG

Coco                                                                                             PG

Dora the Lost City of Gold                                                      PG

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